
Premium Cell Growth Supplements


The application of stem cells for heretofore untreatable chronic diseases and conditions is an exciting therapy today, specifically to treat cancer patients with conditions such as leukemia and lymphoma.  Research is also underway in and outside the U.S. to develop various sources and in certain cases less controversial sources of stem cells.  In addition, extensive research is also underway to explore their use in eventual therapies in such diverse fields as neurodegenerative diseases and conditions (e.g., Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s), brain and spinal cord injury, diabetes, immunotherapy, heart disease, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy, baldness, missing teeth, deafness, in certain transplantations, orthopedics, wound healing, infertility and HIV/AIDS and in veterinary applications to name just a few).

To do research on stem cell applications, they first need to be harvested and grown.  And regarding growth, in recent years human platelets processed into human platelet lysate products have been demonstrated as excellent culture mediums or supplements for the growing of stem cells.  The reason for this is in part because of their rich concentration of naturally derived nutritive and regenerative components as discussed elsewhere in this website.

UltraGRO™ Cell Growth Supplements

UltraGRO Advanced™, UltraGRO Pure™ (xeno-free) and UltraGRO Pure™ GI (xeno-free, gamma irradiated) are stem cell growth supplements manufactured and sold worldwide by an affiliate of Cambium’s strategic partner [Zheng Yang Biomedical Technology Co LTD, Taipei, Taiwan]. All supplements contain Cambium’s Aurarix® novel processed platelets (FD hPL). UltraGRO™ supplements are available for sale to contract research organizations, bio pharma companies, academic & research institutions and finally–cell therapy manufacturers as a premium cell growth supplement. Those interested in information or learning more about these products please contact ZYBT directly by clicking on this link.